Zocular ZEST Treatment
Most dry eye or red eye originate from our eyelids. This is due to all the dirt, bacteria, mites, and debris (biofilm) that accumulate on the lid margin over time. This is why it is important to clean our eyelids and eyelashes daily. But even with consistent personal eyelid hygiene, for some individuals, it’s very difficult to remove the biofilm on our eyelids.
The ZEST or Zocular Eyelid System Treatment is a clinically proven eyelid cleansing procedure performed in-office,; Think of it like a deep teeth cleaning at the Dentist office, to remove the tartar that cannot be brushed away. ZEST treatments eliminate the biofilm to help with dry eye, MGD, or Demodex blepharitis. Every eye deserves to feel better - ZEST makes this possible!
The ZEST or Zocular Eyelid System Treatment is a clinically proven eyelid cleansing procedure performed in-office,; Think of it like a deep teeth cleaning at the Dentist office, to remove the tartar that cannot be brushed away. ZEST treatments eliminate the biofilm to help with dry eye, MGD, or Demodex blepharitis. Every eye deserves to feel better - ZEST makes this possible!